• We want YOU in the Prairie Vista Band! 

    Prairie Vista Band Information Video


    Missed our informational meeting? Watch the recording below!

    Beginning Band Informational Video, March 23rd 2021


    Why should you join band? 

    Music Prepares Us for Success

    Band Students Learn More than Just Notes

    Arts and College and Career Readiness


    Interested in being in Band? Make sure band is your first choice elective on your schedule and sign up for an instrument fitting time slot below! You will get to meet one on one with your future band directors and select what instrument you are going to play! 

    Prairie Vista Band Instrument Fittings


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Will I have to give up other activities to be in band?

    NO!!! Not only is participation other school and community organizations possible, it is highly ENCOURAGED! While it is important to remember that commitment to the band program and regular practice time is necessary, you should know that almost all of the PV Band students are in Athletics as well as other organizations. The Band Directors work closely with coaches and other advisors to eliminate conflicts. Many of the skills each student will learn in band (teamwork, accountability, etc.) will be great assets in their participation in other activities.

    How much does it cost?

    There are some financial commitments to being in band. With COVID 19 we also know that many are facing uncertain times and may have experienced loss of income. The PVMS Band program does our best to keep prices as affordable as possible. We are typically unable to help with the rental or purchase of an instrument. However, we are usually able to assist with other items such as supplies and books. If your child is wanting to join the band and money is your concern, please reach out to us so that we can try to assist making band an option for you. We will do everything in our power to make learning an instrument an accessible option for you and your child.

    What instruments do I have to choose from?

    We start students on the following instruments: Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba, Percussion. While we encourage you to check out the different instruments, it is also important to keep an open mind regarding what you will play. While we have an instrument for everyone, not everyone will play the instrument that is their first choice. Much like a football team where not everyone can play quarterback, not everyone can play (or is suited for) the same instrument. Our goal is to find what instrument is best suited to each student and that will give them the best chance for success

    More information on each instrument in the band 

    Instrument Information for Beginning Band