Charms Office Suite

  • Charms Music is a secure web-based program that assists the band directors and boosters with communication, financial management, and organization of the Boswell Band program. Please keep student and parent / guardian contact information accurate and up-to-date in Charms so you will not miss important emails and announcements.

Accessing Charms

  • Open in your web browser.

    Type BoswellHSBand for the school code in the PARENTS/STUDENTS/MEMBERS Login area.

    Enter your child's EMS-ISD Student ID number in the Student Area Password textbox and click ENTER. You can change this from the EMS-ISD Student ID to another password if you so desire. Click on the keys icon and follow the instructions.

Updating Your Information

  • Two areas in which you can help the directors maintain their records:

    1. Student Information Form - Please update your student information page (phone numbers & Email addresses as they change) to enable us to communicate with you most effectively.
    2. Credit Card payments for fees, trips, and deposits to your student's account. You may pay for your child's fees or trips easily with a credit card.

    When making changes, be sure to click the UPDATE button above your name.