• EMS ISD 2025-2026 Fall Semester Transfer Information

    Campus Listings for the 2025 Fall Semester:

    • Hatley Elementary School
    • Gililland Elementary School
    • High Country Elementary School
    • Northbrook Elementary School
    • Remington Point Elementary School
    • Saginaw Elementary School
    • Highland Middle School
    • Ed Willkie Middle School
    • Chisholm Trail High School
    • Eagle Mountain High School


    General Transfer Application Timelines and Information

    EMS ISD has two designated timelines for each school year: one in the Fall and another in the Spring. Fall Semester of the 2025-2026 school year will be accepted February 3, 2025, through March 7, 2025. Parents, District and GoldStar Transit employees, must submit student transfer applications through the Family Access portal, to be considered.

    The review process for transfer applications will be completed by the fourth week of March 2025, and notifications regarding transfer status (approval or denial) will be sent via email.


    • Pursuant to Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD Board Policy FD (LOCAL), and any corresponding administrative regulations), the parent, guardian, or other person having lawful control of the student under order of a court shall present proof of residency. The District may investigate stated residency, as necessary.

    • The following transfer information is pursuant to Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD Board Policies (FDA and FDB(LEGAL, LOCAL), and any corresponding administrative regulations):

      • A student shall be assigned to a school located in the attendance area/zone in which the student resides (zoned campus). A parent/guardian who wishes for their child(ren) to attend a different school other than the school assigned, shall submit a transfer application via the Family Access portal during the designated transfer timelines.

      • Participation in UIL activities shall be in accordance with all applicable UIL regulations and applicable District policies FDA and FDB (LEGAL and LOCAL) and the corresponding administrative regulations. The District reserves the authority to enact stricter rules and requirements than that of the UIL.

      • All high school students shall only participate in a high school athletic program on their zoned campus, except as outlined in Federal Law, State Law, a Court Order, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, and other applicable District policies.

      • Campus transfers shall be allowed for a District employee’s child under certain conditions to participate in a high school athletic program.


    • The District's approval of a transfer application is only valid for the specific campus requested. This approval does not guarantee admission to any feeder pattern campuses and does not create an expectation or a right that the student will be granted an approved transfer in future school years.

    • District high school students who have received an approved transfer to attend another District high school shall not be permitted to participate in the athletic programs at the transfer campus.

    • Students of nonresident District and nonresident GoldStar Transit employees who currently attend EMS ISD on an approved transfer must submit a new transfer application and sign a transfer agreement each school year. Please note approved transfers for nonresident District and GoldStar employees are valid for one school year only. New transfer applications and agreements for nonresident District and GoldStar Transit employee students can be submitted during the Spring Semester transfer window for the upcoming school year.

    • District transportation will not be provided for any students on an approved transfer, except as required by federal law.

    • Approved transfer request may be revoked for excessive disciplinary history, excessive tardiness, excessive attendance issues, or violations of the transfer agreement. The transfer request will be terminated if the student is withdrawn from the receiving campus for any reason, including DAEP/JJAEP Placements.

    • In reviewing each submitted transfer application, the following factors will be considered:

    · Current and projected campus enrollment counts;

    · The student’s disciplinary history, including DAEP/JJAEP Placements;

    · The student’s attendance record, including tardiness, and any lapse in student enrollment;

    · Facility/building capacity/space;

    · The order in which the transfer application was received;

    · Mandatory class-size ratios and current class sizes;

    · Current and projected staffing allocations;

    · Violations of the transfer agreement, if applicable;

    · A documented serious health condition of a child;

    · Being a documented victim of a physical assault, violent crime, or bullying as defined by Board Policy FFI (LEGAL and LOCAL);

    · Documented, unresolved student conflicts that cannot be addressed at the home campus;

    · Prior student transfer application revocations or parent rescinded transfer applications



    Q. My resident student is currently on an approved transfer to a specific campus. Do I need to submit another application to remain at that campus?  

    No, approved transfer requests for students who reside in the EMS ISD school boundaries will automatically renew each year until the student has completed the highest-grade level offered at the receiving (transfer) campus.

    Q. I am a nonresident District employee or nonresident GoldStar employee, and my child(ren) currently attend EMS ISD on an approved transfer.  Do I need to submit a new transfer application and transfer agreement annually? 

    Yes, approved transfers for students of nonresident District and nonresident GoldStar employees are valid for one school year only and can be submitted during the Spring transfer timeline for the upcoming school year. 


    Transfer Application Access

    Click the button below to log in to Family Access. Choose Online Forms to access the Fill Out Form link for transfer requests. Transfer requests are only available during the designated Fall and Spring timeline.

    If you have questions, please contact Kendria Davis-Martin, Director of Student Engagement at 817-232-0880 ext. 2674 or kdavis-martin@ems-isd.net.

    Log On To Family Access