- Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School District
- Parent Resources
Supplemental Special Education Services
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is providing online accounts to parents of eligible students served by special education who have been impacted by COVID-19 school closures. Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES) gives a $1,500 one-time online grant to parents of eligible students served by special education who are enrolled in a Texas public school. Families can use this money to purchase educational goods and services for their student.
SSES resource - https://sses.tea.texas.gov/
What is SSES? Program Overview:
2-1-1 Texas | Texas Health And Human Services Commission (211texas.org)
Getting free information about support services for older adults, housing, transportation, and other topics is as easy as dialing 2-1-1. That's the toll-free telephone number that connects people with community organizations and government agencies across Texas.
Just as 9-1-1 became an easy way to reach emergency medical, police and fire services, 2-1-1 is revolutionizing the way Texans get information about important non-emergency services. (This information and referral service also can be reached by dialing 817-258-8100.)
Highly-trained information and referral specialists housed at Tarrant County United Way assist callers in an eight-county area. This confidential and nationally-accredited service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The information specialists help callers find answers to questions about issues such as
- Caregiver Support
- Child Care
- Financial Assistance
- Food
- Health Services
- Housing
- In-Home Services
- Legal Assistance
- Transportation
Tarrant County United Way is one of the Area Information Centers that make up the 2-1-1 Texas network now serving all Texas counties. 2-1-1 Texas is a program of United Way in collaboration with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
2-1-1 information is also accessible over the Internet at www.211texas.org
Legal Framework for the Child-Centered Special Education Process
The purpose of the project is to provide and maintain an updated web-based platform to assist stakeholders such as local educational agencies (LEAs), advocates, and parents in learning about state and federal laws and regulations by providing rich resources regarding obligations and rights for the provision of a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment to students with disabilities.
MHMR Tarrant County
For over 50 years, MHMR has provided community-based services for youth and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), mental health conditions, and substance use disorders, as well as babies and young children with developmental delays. MHMR employees use a person-centered approach to fulfill the mission: We Change Lives! Using innovative approaches, MHMR partners with community organizations to provide services and a hopeful future.
Navigate Life Texas
Having a child with a disability or special health care needs can mean extra costs. This page has a list of different organizations that might be able to help. We found them by reaching out to other parents and researching online. Some places help only families who aren’t able to pay for certain things. Other places just want to help, no matter what your income.
Partners Resource Network
Partners Resource Network (PRN) has been empowering families of children and youth with disabilities since 1986.
We can help you understand your child’s disability, understand your rights and responsibilities under IDEA, obtain and evaluate resources and services, and effectively participate as an equal team member with professionals in planning services for your child.
Event announcements and reminders are shared on our Twitter and Facebook pages!