• School Board Trustee Elections

    The Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD Board of Trustee Elections are held in May. School board members are elected to a three-year term of office. Board seats are filled during the elections and all board members are elected at-large based on a plurality of votes. Trustees provide service to the Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD communities without financial compensation. While candidates run for specific places, they do not represent specific geographical areas; rather, each represents Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD at large.

    Following the election, the Board elects a president, vice-president, and secretary to serve for one-year terms. Candidates for the Board of Trustees must conform to the requirements of the Texas Education Code.
    For information regarding school board trustee elections, contact the Office of the Chief Financial Officer at 817-232-0880 or visit the School Board Trustee Elections web links located at the left side of this page. 

    Information regarding the next Trustee General Election may be found at the link: Notice of Next Trustee Election (Form 1-15 -- Internet Posting Requirements for Political Subdivisions)