    Opening Soon: 2025-2026 Registration

    Returning Student Verification for All Grades through Skyward Family Access

    Starting Monday, March 24, Returning Student Verification (registration) for current and former students who previously withdrew and are now returning to Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD will be open for the 2025-26 school year. The Returning Student Verification process will be available online through your Family Access.

    NOTE: Parent/Guardian(s) enrolling new students for the 2025-26 school year should select the New Students button below and then choose the Enroll a New Student button on the following page. Details for enrolling New Students for the 2025-26 school year are provided below and will begin in April 2025.

    Parents/Guardian(s) of students currently enrolled in the district who will be returning to EMS ISD for the 2025-26 school year are required to log into Family Access to verify and update important information and forms as part of the Returning Student Verification.   

    Parent/Guardian(s) of former students who have withdrawn and are now returning to EMS ISD must first contact the student’s previous or future school to reactivate the student’s record/account. Once the account/record has been reactivated, please log into your existing Family Access and update the required forms and information.

    IMPORTANT:  Failing to follow the above processes will result in a denied application and may delay your child’s enrollment.

    If you have forgotten your login information, please utilize the forgot my password link previous or future school or contact your child’s previous or future school for assistance.

  • New Student Enrollment for All Grades

    Parents of students new to EMS ISD must access and complete an Account Request to access the New Student Enrollment Application process that allows for completion of enrollment information, enrollment forms, and optional forms. This is referred to as the New Student Enrollment process.

    To access new enrollment information, click on the New Students button above.